
Showing posts from May, 2018


WAR FOR INFINITY.   Seeing the avengers infinity war was a great pleasure for every MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) FAN.The cinema consisted of every components necessary for the movie should have.The was one of the awaited movie of the ''MARVEL''.It was also a top grossing movie which crossed nearly 1 $billion in just 11 days.The MARVEL directors have been planning this movie as the game of chess board.Every movie before'' Avengers:Infinity war '',Each movie had some part related to that of this movie.    THE SUPER VILLAIN THANOS;  The great supervillain Thanos (Goldberg) was looking outstanding.He was seen that he comes back to his home TITAN. From his childhood he was  a silent boy but his life changed by meeting THE PRINCES OF DEATH.Conquering all the stones its now a near to imposibble task to fight thanos. THE SUPER HEROES: Great Avengers and Guardians of galaxy.Every hero was published except The Ant man, The Wasp and Hawkeye.Everyone ...